Bay Village - 02116
Housing in Bay Village
Local Schools — Dining — Featured Homes
Bay Village is recognized as the smallest neighborhood of Boston. In fact, it is so small that it shares the same zip code as Back Bay. Here is the official web page for the neighborhood. The map below shows its borders and the area it encompasses.
As of 2010, its population was approximately 1,312 residents living in 837 housing units, most of which are small brick rowhouses. As such, you will not see any traditional free-standing, detached homes here.
These attached townhomes and condos have been running from $489,000 to $3,715,000. Multi-families do exist here and they have gone for $1,615,000 and $1,750,000. Rentals have run from $1,550 to $16,500. Understandably, prices for rentals and sales vary depending upon size, location, and amenities.
The following chart is a visual representation of the cyclical nature of real estate and compares the ups and downs of the neighborhood of Bay Village to those of the entire city of Boston. The taller the column the better it is for buyers. The shorter the column the better it is for sellers. Hence 2010 was the best time for a buyer to buy in Bay Village. On the other hand, 2016 was the most recent best year for sellers. The seller’s market has been slowing since 2016 and buyers should do well in the near future.
Great Schools provides ratings for most schools in the United States. Below, you can see what schools are near the address you are thinking of buying and then compare it to other neighboring schools.
Area Schools
Bay Village Market Activity
This next chart shows the number of sales occurring in Bay Village month-to-month, year-to-year since 2018 and provides you a historical overview of the best times to sell – months with the greatest number of sales (spring and fall) – and the best times to buy – months with the fewest number of sales (summer and winter). CAVEAT: there are usually more houses to choose from in the first half of the year.
Bookmark this page and check back anytime to see what is currently available in Bay Village. Unlike other search sites which include properties already under contract, this site shows only properties that are truly available.